Monday, May 9, 2011

Time with Him

I don't really like to exercise alone, but sometimes that is just what my heart needs...if I do it right. Today this is what my exercising looked liked:

1. Making a "Time with Him" playlist on my ipod (I did this because my mind tends to wander on things not of Him when I am walking alone.)

2. Found a beautiful trail outside

3. Forgot everything I was leaving behind, including the ever worrisome thought of, "What am I doing with my life?"

4. Listened to the water running in the creek or the guy playing guitar by himself by the creek

5. Took in the amazing scent of these along the way...
6. Picked a flower

7. Stopped to watch the sun going down
8. Found the Lord in it all

My simple joy for the day: taking time to spend with Him and stopping to take in the beauty along the way.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you have this blog. i see you in every picture and feel like i am right there with ya.
