Tuesday, December 27, 2011

some things change

It is absolutely incredible to look back over the past year and see how drastically different life looks. Some changes were good. Some changes broke my heart. Some changes made me stronger. Some I still don't understand and may never will. But, I can always find comfort in the fact that whatever the change, I know His greater plan is being fulfilled and all these things will work for the good of those who love Him.

I haven't posted in a while, as my sister notified me yesterday so here is an update on my changes:

a. i have a big girl job
2. i am slowly becoming fluent in Spanglish
d. i won the Christmas door decorating contest at work - yes, my door was phenomenal
5. i found out that i am going to get my lactation certification in February (i was randomly picked as one of the dietitians to attend) I can only contribute this to the Lord. Obviously, he thinks I would be the bomb at teaching women to breastfeed. :)
8. one of my bestest friends, lacey, moved out and went home to NC
e. one of my bestest friends, elizabeth, moved in her place
b. i have taken up crocheting and i might not be too terrible at it
4. i have the most awesomest friends and family ever but maybe you already knew that
c. i love Jesus more today than I did yesterday

I think that just about covers it for big changes. No marriage. No babies. No moving. Just sitting back and watching the world change around me and attempting to stay faithful to the changes the Lord has for me.