Friday, January 20, 2012

never a dull moment

soo, my job. everyday I am guaranteed: to have a surprise, to practice spanglish, to use my arms in an "ape-like" fashion to signify too much weight gain, to be attacked as I exit my office by someone saying, "excuse me, ma'am," to counsel a minimum of three different ethnic groups. there is really not a dull moment.

lately, I have been rocking some of my parents' worlds by offering simple advice. we sometimes take for granted things that seem like common sense to "most" people. let me offer you some examples: you should brush your teeth daily, it is bad for your teeth if you eat candy and drink soda everyday, it is not appropriate for your two-year-old to stay up until 3:00 am on the computer, you should not chew food up in your mouth and then feed it to your child, you are the parent and your child should not tell you what to do and my personal favorite-it is okay if your child cries when you don't give them exactly what they want (the response to this one, "oh no ma'am. it is bad for him to cry. he will get sick.")

it blows my mind the response to my advice. it is usually something like, "I had no idea. thank you so much doctor." yep, that's right. in case you didn't know, I am now a doctor.

all of these examples make my job look a bit like a joke but these are just the ones that make me laugh. there are many instances when I feel the Lord is telling me this is exactly where he wants me. like today when I talked to a mom for an hour about her child that was failure to thrive. these are my favorite moments. the moments when i realize why i went to school. why i am where i am.

i would be lying if I said that I am completely content with my job every second of every day. i have a pretty incredible case of wander lust most of the time. always waiting for the next thing. place to move. people to meet. what i am learning now is: our God is not a circumstantial God. whether here or there. married or single. alone or surrounded. clothed or naked. content or discontent. beneath shelter or in the pouring rain. He is in me and using me exactly where i am. this is where i find rest in the moments when my heart wanders to what will be.

"the Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:19

ps i got to see this lady last weekend and it was incredible. she needs to make like a bird and head south.


  1. This is awesome, Lauren! Thanks for sharing. I feel the exact same way many days... but God has us where He wants us (for now)! Miss you :)

  2. i wish this bird was south currently. your visit made me even more southern home sick.;) love you.
